Men’s Group
We typically meet on the first Thursday or the month at 7:30pm. We use ZOOM, as it was found to be effective during a time of physical distancing. There is no plan to meet in person yet.
If you are not familiar with ZOOM or you have a history of tech problems with it, please contact ahead of time, so we can start on time.
IHM Women’s Study Group
and Book Club 2023-2024 and beyond
At a meeting in June 2023 (with 7 members present), the Women ‘s Study Group and Book Club decided to disassociate themselves from Congregation Iyr HaMelech. They remain together as a Book Club, which has a long history.
Going forward, Congregation Iyr HaMelech wishes everyone at the newly founded “Legacy Book Club” a long and prosperous future.
Men’s Group Next Meeting
We typically meet on the first Thursday or the month at 7:30pm. We use ZOOM , as physical distancing is not likely to lift for a while. If you are not familiar with ZOOM or you have a history of tech problems with it, please contact Richard at ahead of time, so we can start on time
Torah Study
Typically, the plan is to meet Fridays, 2 weeks before each Rabbi Weekend.
As always, members and their guests — anyone in (or beyond) IHM is welcome to attend.
Jewish Community Choir
A Kingston Jewish Community choir is open to all members of the Jewish community and anyone else interested in singing Jewish songs. The choir meets for rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Currently the choir does not meet during the pandemic.
For more information, please contact Roslyn Schwartz.
I would like to try going to one of your services to see if it fits for me.
Can I do that?
Where and when?
Thank you,Dale Fainstat
Thank you for your inquiry. Please join us on May 20 at 10am at KUF at 206 Concession Street, Main hall on 2nd floor.